Tuesday 14 January 2014



 ROMAIN is originally from the south of France and started training seriously around 10 years ago "Mainly because I was playing rugby and needed to put some weight on as I was very skinny at that time."
"With the years I got more and more into fitness. Last year I decided to try and compete in FAME UK Fitness Model Championship, and to my great surprise I managed to win the title."

 "I train six times a week and I am relatively careful with my diet, trying to stay in shape all year long without losing muscle mass. My diet is very much based on eating very low carbohydrates during the week (mainly green beans and brocoli, with chicken, fish or red meat) and high carb during the week end, eating anything i want but doing some cardio to try and speed up my metabolism."
 "I still play rugby from time to time and i run twice a week to keep a good cardio and stay as fit as possible. I have a full time job with a business i set up, so it takes a lot of my time and the challenge is to manage to find time for my fitness and socialising with my friends and family. 
Modeling helped my to see my body from a different angle and i believe that with the help of Simon Barnes,over the last few months we manage to get better and better shots."
 "I hope that people can relate to me and realise that with some willpower everything is achievable."

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