Monday 13 January 2014

Kim Kardashian Says To Our Kristin: “Drag Queen Me Up!” She Loves Loads Of Makeup!!!

She has manicures twice a week, loves dressing up for the red carpet and still finds posing nude nerve-wracking!

That’s just some of what she spilled in a sit down interview I was part of as Hollywood Life’s Beauty Editor where she talked about being the face of FusionBeauty among other things. Did you know that she’s also secretly wants to be a private investigator? It’s true! Read on for more Kim K dish!
Her father was behind her now-signature makeup look: “When I was 14 or 15, my dad got Kourtney and me makeup lessons for Christmas. He never wanted us to be overdone. We had the lessons videotaped so we could refer to them.”
Her nighttime skin regimen includes makeup wipes: “I use Olay Daily Facial Express Cleansing Cloths because it can be hard to get all that makeup off. Then I just wash my face, apply toner, moisturizer, a little eye cream, lip balm and call it a night.”
She doesn’t believe in wearing too much makeup on a date: “It depends on where the date is. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard and be TOO glammed up. I like to do a lighter lid for date night, so I’ll use a thin black liner on top, then smoke it out with a dark or brown or light brown underneath.”
She’s really self-conscious of… “My nose! I have a bump and without makeup it looks so much bigger. I also have to have my eyebrows done at all times. I swear my brows used to be really square, boxy and bushy, so I started to have then done in a more rounded, thinner shape. I swear it’s changed everything.”
She secretly wants to be a private investigator: “I’m a homebody and I’m obsessed with Court TV. I could watch them all day and all night. Not actual court shows, but like Forensic Files or Real Mystery Murders.  I could totally be a private investigator. It’s my dream job.”
Shooting the cover of W was awesome…and a little scary: W is iconic, so it was an honor to do it, but it’s a little nerve-wracking to shoot because there are lots of people there watching. A shoot like that is always a little bit uncomfortable, but I love how it turned out. You just pray no one has a camera phone. But having all that silver paint on (which took hours to do) made the nudity a little easier. I didn’t feel completely naked because of it.”
She lives for the glamour – and the drama – around award shows:“I feel most glamorous when I’m in a long gown at an awards show with my hair and make-up done. But it seems like something always goes wrong. One time, the entire side zipper on my Emmy dress popped open as I was sitting in the car. I had to have my stylist meet me there and sew me into the dress. So there are always disasters, but it’s fun in the end.”
She and Kourtney are complete opposites when it comes to hair and makeup: “She thinks I’m ridiculous. I wear false eyelashes and hair extensions. She will wear lashes, but she will never do hair extensions. She never gets her nails done. She does them herself, where I have to get my nails done professionally once or twice a week. She hates foundation and wears maybe a little tinted moisturizer and lip gloss, where I like everything! My philosophy is ‘drag queen me up!”
Kim is really funny and candid and couldn’t have been more fun. Check back on Monday for a Get The Look with Kim’s favorite FusionBeauty products!

–Kristin Booker

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